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但是身為一個洋基球迷...對於cleanup spot突然人間蒸發所帶來的衝擊
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Bid farewell to A-Rod, the gold-plated phony
Published : October 30, 2007 / New York Daily News
Alex Rodriguez and his agent, Scott Boras, have become the kind of phonies that aspiring phonies now study in sports, somewhat the way scientists study lab rats.
Alex Rodriguez和他的經紀人Scott Boras成了運動場上最具代表性的偽君子, 他們的行為對其他投機者來說有著極大的研究價值, 就像是實驗室中的白老鼠之於科學家一般。
Here was Boras the other night, getting his client A-Rod into the World Series the only way he can, having him opt out of his Yankees contract on the night the Boston Red Sox were about to sweep the Colorado Rockies.
Boras終究還是用他自己的方法讓A-Rod和世界大賽扯上了關係, 在紅襪隊以直落四擊敗落磯的當晚, 他代表其客戶宣佈了將行使合約中脫逃條款的決定。
In so doing, Boras unwittingly gave us a fitting epitaph to A-Rod's Yankee career:
這麼一來, Boras也在無意間為A-Rod的洋基歲月下了一個再適合不過的墓誌銘 :
He upstaged more World Series games than he actually played in.
"雖然不曾親身參與世界大賽, 但他卻搶盡世界大賽的風頭"
It was the late George Young, general manager of the football Giants, who once said to me, "When they say it's not about the money, it's always about the money."
還記得已經過世的前紐約巨人隊總經理George Young曾經對我說過一句話, "當人們說自己絕對不是為了錢時, 其實代表的是...他心裡想的就只有錢。"
It is always about the money with A-Rod. He just won't ever say that, even if you threaten him with one of his own baseball bats.
對A-Rod來說, 雖然他從不承認, 但是錢永遠是他最重要的考量, 就算你拿他的球棒作為武器威脅他, 他也不為所動。
So he tries to make it about his teammates, some of whose names he actually knows. So here was Boras, who never seems to run out of saliva - or angles - talking about Mo Rivera and Jorge Posada and Andy Pettitte instead of the $300 million he thinks he can get for A-Rod someplace else.
不過這次他卻想讓大家認為"隊友因素"是他選擇離開的理由, 並且舉了幾個他難得記得的名字作為擋箭牌, 而舌燦蓮花的Boras, 也樂得大談Mo Rivera、Jorge Posada和Andy Pettitte, 而刻意掩飾他心中所想的其實就是那總值三億美金的鉅額合約。
"Alex's decision was one based on not knowing what his closer, his catcher and one of his statured starting pitchers was going to do," Boras said in one interview he gave Sunday night while Game 4 of the Series was still going on.
"Alex是因為無法確定陣中守護神、主戰捕手及王牌先發的去留, 才做出這樣的決定," Boras在世界大賽第四戰進行同時、接受媒體訪問時這麼表示。
If Boras thinks that he can convince anybody who has followed a single at-bat of Alex Rodriguez's career that he has ever cared for a baseball player other than Alex Rodriguez, then Scott Boras really is the world's greatest sports agent.
我只能說, 要是Boras真能說服任何一個人, 讓他們相信A-Rod所關心的人不只是A-Rod自身、還包含其他球員的話, 那Boras還真不愧是世界上最偉大的經紀人。
Boras has made no secret that he is looking for another 10-year contract for A-Rod. That is out of one side of his mouth. Out of the other, he wants us to believe that a huge reason A-Rod walks away from the Yankees is because of this sudden concern about the futures of the 37-year-old Rivera, the 36-year-old Posada, the 35-year-old Pettitte.
Boras的真正用意在為A-Rod簽下另一個十年合約這件事, 早就不是祕密, 不過這只是其中一個理由。除此之外, 他還希望我們能相信, A-Rod離開球隊的關鍵因素, 在於他突然關心起了37歲的Rivera、36歲的Posada以及35歲的Prttitte的未來。
I have even heard some broadcasters suggest that Joe Torre leaving the Yankees might also have been a reason why A-Rod wanted to leave. Every time I did, I had the same reaction: That anybody thinking Rodriguez had loyalty to any manager - especially one who batted him eighth in a playoff game against the Detroit Tigers last year - must be drunk.
我甚至聽過有些人說, Joe Torre的離開也是A-Rod做出如此選擇的原因之一, 每次聽到這樣的說詞, 我都只有一種想法...如果有人認為A-Rod會對任何一個總教練、尤其是在季後賽讓他打第八棒的人效忠的話, 那人肯定是喝醉了。
It is as interesting to note that this all happens as the Red Sox win again. And that there is all this fuss about A-Rod's contract one night after a Red Sox pitcher, Daisuke Matsuzaka, knocks in more runs - two - with his first postseason hit than A-Rod did against the Indians in the Yankees' division series.
有趣的是, 這齣鬧劇發生在紅襪贏得世界大賽冠軍的同時, 在A-Rod宣佈使用脫逃條款而引發話題的前一天, 擊出大聯盟生涯第一支季後賽安打的松坂大輔, 為球隊打下了兩分打點, 這還贏過A-Rod在今年季後賽首輪的成績。
Once, nearly four years ago, Rodriguez nearly went to Boston. The Red Sox were even willing to part with Manny Ramirez and his own big contract ($20 million a year) to bring Rodriguez to Fenway Park to play shortstop for them. If they had managed to do that, they would probably still be looking for their first World Series championship since 1918.
記得在四年前, A-Rod差點就去了波士頓, 當時的紅襪甚至願意為了讓A-Rod成為其先發游擊手、而放棄Manny Ramirez, 如果當初紅襪選擇這麼做的話, 他們極有可能到現在還等不到自1918年以來的第一枚冠軍戒指。
Boras loves to show you a lot of research about how a lot of great baseball players have come up short in the postseason. Even A-Rod short, which means short enough to ride a horse in the Breeders' Cup. In Boston, where Ramirez was MVP of the 2004 World Series, where he and David Ortiz are run-producing machines in the postseason, they must think Boras is the one acting drunk.
Boras很喜歡引用一堆數據來告訴我們, 有許多偉大的球員都在季後賽表現不佳, 不過看看A-Rod, 再看看贏得2004年世界大賽MVP的Ramirez和RO連線在季後賽的驚人表現, 我想應該沒多少人會買Boras的帳吧。
You can go up and down the Red Sox batting order, pick any name, and find somebody who did more for his team than A-Rod did for the Yankees in the last three Octobers he played for them.
你可以隨便在紅襪隊的先發打序中選出任何一個球員, 都會發現他們對於紅襪所做出的貢獻勝過A-Rod在過去三年季後賽對洋基所作的。
He was a gold-plated phony coming in the door and he is the same leaving.
初到洋基時的他, 是個鍍金的假貨, 而離開時也沒啥兩樣。
Here was Rodriguez standing in the Stadium Club at Yankee Stadium in February 2004, on the day it was officially announced that he was coming to New York to play third base for the Yankees:
還記得2004年的2月, 正式宣佈自己將穿上條紋球衣並轉任三壘手的A-Rod, 說了這麼一席話 :
"I've come to the point in my career [where] winning is the most important thing. Aside from the personal accolades - and I think I've done a lot there - winning is the most important thing. And being a New York Yankee and the history and the present and the future, I think it provides an opportunity when you drive to the ballpark every day that you actually have an opportunity to win and win big. Hopefully in October. So I think it was just team over personal."
"我的棒球生涯已經走到了一個轉捩點, 對現在的我來說, 勝利比起個人的榮譽更為重要, 我已經達成了許多個人記錄上的成就, 現在該是追求勝利的時候了。身為洋基人最大的優點在於, 球隊提供你贏球、甚至是贏得世界大賽冠軍的機會, 而我想其中的關鍵就在於..."永遠把團隊擺在第一位"的觀念。"
Nothing is ever personal with him, ever. He wants to act like a team guy and sound like a team guy but has no real idea how to do that, because everything is supposed to be about him.
看來他是完全不懂什麼叫做"團隊第一", 他想要表現的像個重視團隊甚於個人的球員, 但是卻完全搞不懂該如何去做, 因為對他而言, 世界是繞著A-Rod而打轉。
It's why you wanted to laugh the other night when Boras invoked the names of Rivera and Posada and Pettitte. You know who they really are to Alex Rodriguez? Three more guys in the clubhouse trying to breathe his air.
這也是為何當Boras提到Rivera、Posada和Pettitte的名字時, 我們會覺得可笑的原因, 他們三人對A-Rod而言, 不過就是三個在球員休息室中搶著和他呼吸同樣空氣的人罷了。
Big Octobers, that's what A-Rod promised Yankee fans. And that is exactly how it worked out during his four seasons here. Only the big Octobers, two of the biggest in baseball history because of the way the Red Sox came back in the league championship series and then swept through the World Series, were in Boston.
A-Rod承諾洋基球迷要給他們難忘的季後賽, 在他效力洋基的四年間, 他也確實信守承諾, 只不過其中兩年是因為紅襪隊先是在美聯冠軍系列戰中奇蹟似地後來居上、然後再以秋風掃落葉之勢橫掃國聯冠軍隊贏得世界大賽桂冠。
A real good Yankee fan I know put it this way yesterday, even talking about a player who hit him 54 home runs this season, one without whom the Yankees wouldn't have even made the first round of the playoffs:
對於這個在球季中擊出54支全壘打、並幫助球隊打進季後賽的球員在昨天引發的風波, 一位死忠的洋基球迷這麼說 :
"The Red Sox won, but we lost A-Rod. Call it a split."
"紅襪或許贏得了世界大賽冠軍, 但是我們也擺脫了A-Rod...就當兩隊扯平好了。"
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[翻譯]Bid farewell to A-Rod, the gold-plated phony