
洋基隊長Derek Jeter的守備能力一直是洋基球迷們"不願面對的真相"

Jack Curry一篇刊登於紐約時報的文章 Jeter, Face of the U.S. Team, Looks His Age at the Classic
也讓對Captain Clutch滿懷感激的洋基球迷被迫再次正視這個長久以來被刻意忽略的問題


不過光是從隔天 (3/24) Vic Ziegel發表於NY Daily News的文章標題
"On Day to Salute Derek Jeter, Tomorrow Can Wait" 就不難看出


希望我的翻譯能夠忠實地傳達Jack Curry文章的"字面意義"

Jeter, Face of the U.S. Team, Looks His Age at the Classic

Published: March 24, 2009 / The New York Times

Derek Jeter was the face and, very often, the voice of the United States team in the World Baseball Classic. When the event was promoted in December during the winter meetings in Las Vegas, Jeter was the only player there. Tournament organizers figured Jeter’s star power was enough advertising.
對於世界棒球經典賽的美國代表隊來說, Derek Jeter不只是看板人物, 更時常扮演著發言人的角色。在去年12月於拉斯維加斯舉行的冬季會議中, 他是出席大聯盟官方針對經典賽進行的宣傳活動中唯一的球員代表, 對於賽事主辦單位來說, 光是靠著Jeter的高知名度就足以為經典賽製造足夠的話題性和宣傳效果。

Several marquee players bypassed the tournament for reasons big and small, but Jeter participated in his second straight Classic. He understood that he is one of the most popular American players, and believed that it was crucial for him to represent the red, white and blue.
儘管有許多大牌球星用各式各樣的理由拒絕接收國家代表隊徵召參與經典賽, Jeter還是決定第二度穿起國家隊戰袍, 身為全美最受歡迎球員之一, 他深知穿上藍白紅球衣對於他個人和球迷的意義有多麼重大。

But along a bumpy road, which ended Sunday night when Japan thumped the United States, 9-4, Jeter was not an impact player. These were only eight games in March, games that Yankees fans will forget the first time he scorches a run-scoring double to right field, slides into second base and claps his hands once. Still, as he worked to have a major role on the world stage, he was an extra.
不過對於在週日以9-4敗給日本隊而結束賽程的美國隊來說, 一路走來並不平穩, 而Jeter也沒為球隊作出太多貢獻。對洋基球迷來說, 這僅僅不過是八場在球季開始前舉辦的比賽罷了, 就算過程多麼不堪, 一旦球迷看到Jeter在例行賽中擊出右外野方向帶有打點的二壘安打、優雅滑進二壘後為自己鼓掌打氣的招牌動作後, 這些關於經典賽的不愉快回憶都會被輕易地拋諸腦後。不過對於Jeter來說, 在試圖於世界舞台上為國家隊作出貢獻的同時, 卻發現自己的存在似乎可有可無是相當殘酷的。

Jeter, the team’s captain, hit .276 with no homers, no runs batted in and no stolen bases. The Jeter who has always been a productive postseason player, the one who has rescued the Yankees so often, was not able to save the United States this month.
身為美國代表隊的隊長, Jeter繳出了打擊率2成76、全壘打、打點和盜壘全都掛零的成績單。那個每每在季後賽都能有傑出表現、多次隻手拯救洋基隊的Jeter, 卻無法改變美國隊在本屆經典賽的命運。

“You hope to win,” Jeter said. “That’s what you do every time out. But it’s not an easy thing to do.”
"我渴望贏球," Jeter說道, "每次出場比賽我都抱持相同信念, 但有時難免事與願違。"

Davey Johnson, the United States manager, rotated Jeter and Jimmy Rollins, a better defensive player, at shortstop. The Americans promised Jeter he would be the starter, so they could not slot him as a designated hitter.
美國隊的總教練Davey Johnson讓Jeter和防守能力更佳的Jimmy Rollins輪流擔任先發游擊手的角色。美國球迷承諾Jeter永遠名列先發名單中, 而專職DH並不在討論範圍內。

There have been numerous statistical measurements of Jeter’s defense that have concluded he is one of the worst fielding shortstops in the major leagues. He is still solid at handling slow rollers hit in front of him, and is adept at roaming into the outfield to corral pop-ups. But his range, especially to his left, has declined. There are far too many grounders hit up the middle that roll into center field, not into his glove.
有許多數據資料都顯示Jeter是大聯盟中防守最差的游擊手之ㄧ, 守備游擊手正面的軟弱滾地球或是後退到外野草坪上處理小飛球對他來說或許不是問題, 但他的守備範圍, 尤其是左半邊, 已經明顯縮小, 有太多打者往中間方向擊出的球不是落在Jeter的手套中, 而是滾進了中外野草坪上。

The rotation with Jeter and Rollins accentuated how much quicker and more reliable Rollins is. Jeter, 34, who is older than Rollins, 30, and looked it in the tournament, has bristled when asked about his defensive shortcomings.
和Rollins輪替先發更突顯出Rollins比Jeter更敏捷、更可靠的事實, 比Rollins年長4歲的Jeter在經典賽進行期間對於記者詢問關於其防守弱點的問題時, 也難免做出較為情緒性的反駁。

“They think they have a mathematical equation that figures everything out,” Jeter has said. “Like every single person is out there with the same runner and the same pitcher, and the ball is hit in the same exact place. It seems like once somebody says one thing about you, people tend to run with it and we never hear the end of it.”
"他們以為找出一個數學算式就能解答所有的問題," Jeter曾這麼說過, "好像所有的守備機會都是面對相同的跑者和投手、所有被擊出的球都是落在同一點似的。只要有人對你發表一些看法, 人們似乎就針對這些看法借題發揮, 這麼下去根本沒完沒了。"

Since Jeter’s 10-year, $189 million deal with the Yankees expires after the 2010 season, the chatter about his defense will become noisier. He is an iconic player, and will probably be close to 3,000 hits entering 2010. Both sides would prefer to maintain a relationship that began when Jeter was drafted in 1992.
隨著Jeter和洋基球團簽下將於2010年球季結束後終止的10年1億8,900萬美金合約截止日一天天靠近, 人們對於其守備能力的討論次數只會越來越頻繁。他被視為一個聯盟看板球星的資格是無庸置疑的, 而他的生涯總安打數在其現有合約結束前也將相當接近3,000支的重要里程碑, 無論是洋基球團或是Jeter本人, 應該都會傾向於延續雙方自從1992年以來的合作關係。

But Jeter is adamant about playing shortstop, and the Yankees would be relieved if he volunteered to shift to the outfield. Robin Yount of the Milwaukee Brewers switched from short to center field and is in the Hall of Fame. The Yankees should know that only one team since 1956 has won a pennant with a shortstop who was 34 or older. That happened with Larry Bowa, who was nearly 35, and the 1980 Phillies.
儘管Jeter本人對於持續擔任游擊手的想法十分堅定, 但是站在洋基球團的立場來看, 如果Jeter能自願換防外野似乎是對球隊較有幫助的決定。前釀酒人隊的球星Robin Yount就是一個從游擊移防外也、最後仍被選進名人堂的案例, 洋基球團應該也很清楚, 1956年至今只有一支球隊能在先發游擊手年紀超過34歲的狀況下捧回世界大賽冠軍盃, 那就是1980年球季用當時35歲的Larry Bowa鎮守游擊大關的費城人隊。 

The Yankees do not have an obvious successor to Jeter in the minor leagues. If the Mets exercise their option with José Reyes and the Cleveland Indians do the same with Jhonny Peralta, the most attractive free-agent shortstop in 2011 could be J. J. Hardy of the Brewers.
目前洋基的農場系統中還看不出有一個可能接替Jeter擔任洋基先發游擊手的明日之星, 如果大都會和印地安人隊都分別決定留下José Reyes和Jhonny Peralta的話, 2011年自由球員市場中最受矚目的游擊手應該就是目前效力釀酒人隊的J. J. Hardy 。

General Manager Brian Cashman, who has often mentioned the Yankees’ poor defense, would not discuss Jeter’s future or whether he expected Jeter to stay at short. 
曾經不只一次提出防守是洋基罩門所在的球隊總經理Brian Cashman, 還不願意就Jeter的未來動向和調動守備位置的可能性做出討論 。

“That’s two years away,” Cashman said. “That’s not something we’re even thinking about. Hopefully, Derek will be with us for a long time.”
"那是兩年後才需要擔心的事," Cashman答道, "目前這件事根本不在我們的討論範圍之內, 不過可以確定的是, 我希望Derek可以繼續為洋基效力好一段時間。" 

The next Classic is in 2013 and will probably not include Jeter, but he has a much more pivotal year approaching. That is 2011. That is the year when Jeter, the forever Yankee, may not be playing shortstop anymore.
下屆經典賽將在2013年舉辦, 而屆時Jeter三度身披美國隊戰袍的機會實在不高, 對Jeter來說, 2011年才是真正關鍵的一年, 因為那將可能是Jeter這位永遠的洋基人離開游擊守備位置的球季 。

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