
意外發現人已經回到台灣好一陣子的小王竟然又登上了New York Post


December 17, 2006 -- EVEN in the Hamptons circa 2006, $65 million buys a lot of steak.

At least, that's what Alan Stillman, the founder and chief executive of Smith & Wollensky's, is betting as he markets 15 acres of his epic Sagaponack spread.

The site, including six separate parcels - with a beautiful pond and ocean frontage - went on the market recently, as The Post reported Thursday.

A broker told The Post, "It's not quite configured for a true estate. It's better for a developer."

Why Stillman is selling isn't clear.

As recently as September, Stillman - who also owns The Park Avenue Cafe and Maloney And Poricelli - was giving interviews to a local paper talking about his love for the east end of Long Island, where he has been coming since the late '60s.

Stillman, a legitimate New York character - he founded the restaurant chain TGIFridays in 1964 because, he says, "the pill had just been invented and I wanted to meet girls" - did not return repeated calls. Roddy Boyd

Fight rules

Investors in the International Fight League are walking with a little extra pep in their step today.

The mixed martial arts league, which went public last month by merging with a public shell, saw its shares soar 170 percent last week after the league, whose boxers compete in a team-based league, was featured on "60 Minutes."

The segment on the CBS News magazine's highly rated show featured the sport of mixed martial arts and also included mentions of Ultimate Fighting Championship, which is aired on Spike TV.

IFL's shares, which trade under the ticker symbol IFLI, closed Friday at $14.45, up $9.10 for the week. Trading, which usually totals fewer than 10,000 shares a day, surged to 454,067 shares Friday.

On the strength of the mixed martial arts segment, the Dec. 10 "60 Minutes" show finished in the top five most-watched programs for the week for the first time this season.

UFC's program on Spike on Dec. 13 drew nearly three times the number of men aged 18-34 (531,000) than the ESPN telecast of the NBA's Miami Heat vs. Phoenix Suns (180,000), according to Spike. Richard Wilner

Wang power

When folks start naming the most popular or most sought-after athlete in the country, few would put Yan kees pitcher Chien- Ming Wang anywhere near the top of the list.
當球迷忙著列出目前全美國最受歡迎或是相關商品最受矚目的運動員時, 恐怕很少人會把洋基投手王建民放在該名單的前幾位

An up-and-comer, sure. But more popular than Derek Jeter, Tiki Barber or Michael Jordan? Hardly.

我們當然可以了解他肯定是一個急起直追的新星, 但比Derek Jeter, Tiki Baraer(NFL NY Giants的超級明星跑鋒, 已經宣佈將在今年球季結束後高掛球鞋)甚至是Michael Jordan還受歡迎?

But one national sports memorabilia company, Brandon Steiner Sports, reports that sports fans around the world sought out Wang items at nearly twice the rate than they did Jeter.

不過依據運動紀念品專賣公司Brandon Steiner Sports所提供的資料顯示, 來自全世界的球迷搜尋王建民相關商品的次數幾乎是Jeter的兩倍

"I've never seen anything like it," said Jared Weiss, president of Steiner Sports, ticking off the 2,226 hits for Wang over the past two months compared to Jeter's 1,163 searches.

Steiner Sports的總裁Jared Weiss這麼說道
過去兩個月瀏覽點擊王建民商品連結的人數是2,226人次, 而Jeter則是1,163人次

While 23 percent of the searches came from New York, Steiner computer data shows, nearly 10 percent of the traffic came from overseas - with half of that coming from Wang's home Taiwan, China.
其中有23%的點擊人次來自於紐約當地, 另外還有接近10%的人來自於海外 - 其中有一半左右來自於王建民的故鄉, 台灣(幹啥還堅持要加上中國啊)

Wang was also the company's No. 1 selling athlete.

"We had more people [from China] in the last two months looking for sports items than we had from California, New Jersey and Pennsylvania," Weiss noted.

"All this and we haven't spent $1 on advertising in Korea," Weiss said.
“而且更令人印象深刻的是, 我們至今還沒在韓國投下任何廣告預算"(這關韓國啥事, 他老兄不會也把小王當韓國人了吧)



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