Rivera sees that Yanks don't close door on Vizcaino

Published : July 25, 2007/ New York Daily News

Luis Vizcaino was the only major leaguer acquired by the Yankees in last winter's Randy Johnson trade, but by May25, the righthander had done about as much good for the Bombers as the Big Unit had this season.
Luis Vizcaino是洋基在去年冬天於Randy Johnson的交易中所得到的唯一大聯盟選手, 在今年5月25日之前, 這位右投手對洋基所做出的貢獻和去年球季的Randy Johnson可說是不相上下...

Which is to say, none.

With a 7.66 ERA, Vizcaino had endured two miserable months, even forcing him to question his own ability. But the reliever has turned things around in remarkable fashion since then, thanks to hard work, better mechanics, and some inspiration from Mariano Rivera, who has jokingly been referred to as the Yankees' assistant pitching coach.
在球季前兩個月, 他的防禦率高達7.66, 這種成績連他本人都開始懷疑起自己的能力, 不過在那可怕低潮後, 這位洋基中繼投手的表現像是換了一個人似的, 這都要歸功於他自己所下的苦功、出手姿勢和投球節奏的調整、以及開玩笑地自稱是隊中助理投手教練的Mariano Rivera的啟發。

"At the beginning, it was a lot of physical and mental stuff," Rivera said. "Everything was going wrong, so every day we were working on throwing the ball and releasing the ball. What we're seeing now is the result of hard work."
"在球季剛開始時, 他所面臨的不只是生理上的問題, 也有許多心理上的挑戰, " Rivera說道
"所有事情看起來都不對勁, 我們所能做的就是每天不斷地練習、試著找出更適合的投球方式和放球點, 而如今在他( Luis Vizcaino)身上所看到的改變, 就是辛苦付出的成果。"

Vizcaino credits Rivera for his resurgence, citing the closer as the mentally toughest person he has ever come across in the game.
Vizcaino把自己狀態回復歸功於Rivera, 他表示這位洋基當家終結者是他所見過心理素質最強的球員。

"When I talk with the guy, I listen, He knows what he's doing," Vizcaino said. "He's taught me about my mechanics, how to prepare for every pitch. He's given me a lot of confidence."
"每次我們交談時, 我總是扮演著聽眾的角色, 他(Rivera)就是知道該怎麼做才是對的," Vizcaino說道
"他幫助我調整我的投球姿勢, 教我如何在投出每一球前作好準備, 他也讓我對自己更有信心。"

"It's my job," said Rivera, who has also worked in the past with pitchers such as Ramiro Mendoza and Tanyon Sturtze. "It's more than pitching; I've been here for so many years and I've seen a lot, so if I can help any of my teammates to be better, I'm willing to do that."
"這是我份內該做的事," 過去也曾經幫助Ramiro Mendoza和Tanyon Sturtze做調整的Rivera說道
"這不僅僅是投球方面的調整...我已經在球隊中待了這麼多年, 所看過、經歷過的事情也實在多不勝數了, 如果我能幫助任何一個隊友、讓他有更好的表現, 我都相當樂意去做。"

Whatever Rivera has done to help Vizcaino, the results have been staggering. Entering last night, in his 29 games since May 25, Vizcaino had posted a 0.99 ERA, picking up six wins in the process. Monday, he was handed the ball in the eighth inning with a two-run lead, and he rewarded Joe Torre's faith with a 1-2-3 inning.
無論Rivera是如何幫助Vizcaino走出低潮, 這般驚人的成果還是出乎人意料之外的。從5月25日一直到昨晚比賽前, Vizcaino在29次出賽中繳出了防禦率0.99的成績單, 還拿到了6勝。週一晚間的比賽, Joe Torre在八局下半洋基兩分領先的狀況下將球交給了Vizcaino, 而他也用讓對手三上三下投球內容來回報總教練對他的信任。

Torre twice had used Vizcaino in the eighth with a lead this season, and both times he retired the side in order. Kyle Farnsworth, on the other hand, had been put in that situation 21times this season, and had pitched a 1-2-3 inning just twice.
今年球季Joe Torre有兩度在八局、球隊領先的狀況下將球交給Vizcaino, 兩場比賽Vizcaino都沒讓任何一個打者上到壘包。反觀Kyle Farnsworth有21次在這樣的狀況下登板, 只有兩次成功解決所有打者。

"When he comes in and does a 1-2-3 act in the eighth inning, that's hugely important," Torre said of Vizcaino. "He gives you a different look. He has that breaking ball, and now he's found this velocity that we didn't see early on."
"如果他能(Vizcaino)在八局時登板投球, 然後讓對手三上三下無功而返, 這對球隊來說是相當重要的, " Torre說道
"他的表現讓人刮目相看, 除了有著不錯的變化球, 他現在也重新找回我們在球季初期所未見到的球速。"

Vizcaino's slider has been as sharp as ever, while his splitter and fastball have picked up a few miles per hour since the start of the season. In the last 29 games, he has allowed just 15 hits and 12walks in 27-1/3 innings, striking out 26.
Vizcaino的滑球還是和過去一樣犀利, 指叉球和速球的球速也比球季初期快上了幾英里。最近29次出賽, 他在27又1/3局中只讓對方打者擊出15支安打、投出12次保送, 更送出了26次三振。

With Farnsworth, Scott Proctor and Brian Bruney struggling at times, Vizcaino has emerged as the Yanks' second-most trusted reliever during the past two months. Monday night's game indicated a shift in Torre's plan for the late innings, though he insists that he plans to keep Farnsworth in the mix.
過去兩個月中, 當Farnsworth、Scott Proctor和Brian Bruney輪番出現狀況時, Vizcaino成了洋基牛棚中的第二把交椅。在週一晚間的比賽中, 即便Joe Torre還是堅持Farnsworth是他指派set-up man時的首選, 但他最終的調度也已經顯露出重新定位Vizcaino出場時機的跡象。

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Published : May 9, 2007 / New York Daily News

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