Published : January 26th, 2007 / New York Daily News
Looking to uncover an untapped talent resource, the Yankees are sending a team of executives to China next week to meet with the Chinese Baseball Association about forming a strategic alliance.
為了挖掘尚未開發的球員資源, 洋基球團將在下週派出一組高層行政團隊前往中國拜會中國棒球協會官員, 希望能建立兩者間策略結盟的合作關係
Yankees president Randy Levine, general manager Brian Cashman, assistant GM Jean Afterman and VP of corporate sales and sponsorships Michael Tusiani will spend seven days in Asia, first visiting Beijing before traveling to Japan, where they will meet with execs from the Yomiuri Giants and Hanshin Tigers.
洋基球團總裁Randy Levine, 總經理Brian Cashman, 副總經理Jean Afterman以及行銷贊助部門副總裁 Michael Tusiani將會在亞洲待上七天, 在拜訪北京之後, 一行人將轉往日本和讀賣巨人及阪神老虎的球團高層會面
"Everybody thinks that it's a great place to grow the sport of baseball," Levine said. "There's a real appetite for it. The Chinese want to move forward, expand their talents in the game and make it a well known and active sport."
"大家都認為這(中國)是一個推廣棒球運動的絕佳舞台" Levine說道
"而他們(中國)也迫不及待地想要進步, 想要提升自己的實力, 想要讓棒球在中國成為廣為人知且受歡迎的運動"
There currently is no professional baseball league in China, which has not developed players at the same level as Japan, Korea or Taiwan. The potential partnership between the Yankees and the CBA would be similar to the relationship the Bombers formed with Yomiuri in 2002, as the Yankees would send coaches, scouts, player development and training personnel to China to help educate and instruct.
目前中國尚未成立職業棒球聯盟, 因此他們對於球員的培育還沒到達日本, 韓國或是台灣的程度, 洋基和中國棒球聯盟將會建立類似洋基和讀賣巨人間的合作關係, 未來洋基將會指派教練, 球探和球員培訓人員前往中國去提供所需的教育和指導
"Anything we can do to provide the necessary tools and resources in an effort to speed up that process, it would be a benefit to us and to everybody in our industry," Cashman said. "I look forward to being on the ground floor of that process."
"如果能夠藉由我們(洋基)所提供的工具和資源讓中國的棒球運動發展加速的話, 對我們和整個棒球產業都是一大利多"
Cashman說道 "我迫不及待能參與這項工作"
With the Olympics coming to Beijing in 2008, China is building a baseball stadium for the Games. After its poor showing in last year's World Baseball Classic, in which it lost all three games while being outscored, 40-6, China is hoping for better results next year.
眼看2008北京奧運即將到來, 中國也已經為棒球比賽項目建造了新的球場, 中國在去年WBC乏善可陳的演出之後(三戰皆墨, 總失分40而總得分僅有6), 希望在明年能有更好的表現
"Their attitude is that they're very excited and dedicated to it," Levine said. "They're in the infancy stages over in the People's Republic, but I think they want to make a really good showing in '08."
“他們對於整個計畫感到相當興奮並且已經有全力付出的心裡準備“ Levine說道
"棒球運動在中國還處於萌芽階段, 但我認為他們在08年將會有相當優異的表現"
Down the line, the Yankees and/or Major League Baseball could open a baseball academy in China. With the success of many Asian players in the majors, China could be the next great resource for international players.
洋基或是大聯盟官方遲早會在中國開設棒球教育機構, 在看到許多亞洲球員都在大聯盟的舞台上大放異彩後, 中國可能就是下一個傑出國際球員的輸出國
"There's no doubt in my mind that there are going to be a lot of great baseball players coming out of there in the future," Levine said. "Hopefully we don't have to wait a generation. Hopefully it can be years, not decades."
“我對於未來中國將會成為孕育優秀棒球運動員搖籃的想法深信不疑“ Levine說道
Cashman still has not heard from Roger Clemens' camp about the pitcher's plans for 2007, but the GM stressed that the Yankees are interested in the seven-time Cy Young winner if he decides to play this season.
Cashman仍然沒有聽到來自Clemens陣營的任何消息, 不過洋基總經理再次強調, 如果這位七度Cy Young獎得主願意再投一年的話, 洋基將會張開雙手歡迎他的加盟
"They know where we sit and how we feel," Cashman said. "There has been no indication that he's definitely playing, let alone when he would decide to play. ... Anybody you ask that question to, other than Roger Clemens, it's just noise. Only he knows."
“他們(Clemens陣營)了解我們的立場和態度“ Cashman說道
"不過目前還沒有任何跡象顯示Clemens是否願意重返球場, 更別提“何時“了"...不管你向任何人求證, 只要不是出自Clemens嘴巴的回答, 都僅供參考, 只有他(Clemens)本人才清楚自己的決定"
Joe Torre cut his Hawaii vacation short a few days ago, returning to Cincinnati with his family to visit his ailing father-in-law. Torre wasn't scheduled to come back from Hawaii until early next month. ...
Joe Torre提早結束夏威夷的旅行, 和家人回到辛辛那提探視生病的岳父, 他原訂在下個月才會返回美國本土
Miguel Cairo's one-year, $750,000 contract is expected to be announced today. Matt DeSalvo likely will be removed from the 40-man roster to make room. ...
Miguel Cairo一年75萬美金的合約內容預計在明天正式對外宣佈, 為此Matt DeSalvo可能將被從40人名單中除名
Cashman said the Yankees are waiting to meet with Carl Pavano before deciding if any disciplinary action will be taken against the righthander for hiding his car accident from the club last August.
Cashman表示, 他將在和Carl Pavano會面後才會決定是否將針對Pavano於去年八月隱匿車禍消息不報一事做出懲處